Saturday, January 25, 2014

You're Life is a Game of Cards

How are you supposed to pick one thing to do for the rest of your life? Once you graduate,you hardly have three months before you have to make a decision that will shape your life. "I don't know" is no longer an option. And what if you pick a "risky" career and you struggle day in and day out trying to figure out a way to make it and start earning what you've worked your ass off for. The world has dealt you cards and if, from the pile you pick the wrong one, you are essentially screwed. But lets say you start off with crappy cards and pick up an ace, there is hope for you and success is sure to follow you around. There is no way going around what society orders us to do and, unfortunately, we don't know if we are dealt an ace or a two until much later in life

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