Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The Road to Nowhere

Have you ever felt so passionate about something that you felt you would die if it weren't part of your life? Well if you have, you're lucky. 92% of us out there have nothing to look forward to; nothing we believe we are good enough to accomplish. Take the Olympics for example, these people train their whole lives to be acknowledged for what they are good at. They found a purpose in life. But if you aren't the best at anything, just mediocre in everything, where does that leave you? Does that make you any less special? Are you just going to go by life being average? Unfortunately, most of us do. Most of us just go about our lives without true meaning because it's almost impossible to break the streak. So if you are somewhere in that 8%, consider yourself lucky, know that you have broken the cycle that majority of us feel bound to...

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