Sunday, January 19, 2014


Ever have those days where you know you have so much to do but do none of it, even if it means it'll cost you in the future...yup, today was one of those days. Procrastination, the thing everyone hates but can't seem to let go of. In the busy lifestyles we live, deadlines and dates are what it's all about, don't meet one and that's strike numero uno. Three and you're done. This of course leads to more problems like stress and anxiety which I am sure we all have enough of. Life doesn't ever really seem to able to give you a ever. Even when you're on vacation, the dread of going back to work or school will always be in your mind and then poof, there goes your relaxation. There is never a moment in anyone's life where there is absolutely nothing to do. And that is why we procrastinate; so we can attempt to get a moments rest from all the stuff we have to do.

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