Friday, June 20, 2014

La La La

What is happening in the FIFA World Cup? The teams that were expected to make the top ten are slowly being wiped out! My bracket is completely butchered! Spain has already been eliminated which is killing me slowly because I adore Pique. Group G aka the group of death is where my home team has been placed under and they do not seem to have a shot. The only team that I am sure will make it at least to the semi finals is Germany. They seriously have a kick ass team. I mean, have you seen Muller kick a ball


So now that most of us students are out of school for the summer, I would like to write about how we have finally all been liberated. In prison (aka school) we are always told what to do and how to do it. Not only are our bodies confined but so are our minds. It is like we are dogs being trained for a show, the kibble we are offered are points and we do what the masters ask of us in return for the treat. Sometimes the kibble becomes so important to us that we are willing to lie and cheat for it. Our minds are being programmed, not nourished. When we aren't given a rubric we panic because now we don't know what methods to use to get a treat anymore. All of us waste away our lives refusing to admit that we are the victims of conformity.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

You're Life is a Game of Cards

How are you supposed to pick one thing to do for the rest of your life? Once you graduate,you hardly have three months before you have to make a decision that will shape your life. "I don't know" is no longer an option. And what if you pick a "risky" career and you struggle day in and day out trying to figure out a way to make it and start earning what you've worked your ass off for. The world has dealt you cards and if, from the pile you pick the wrong one, you are essentially screwed. But lets say you start off with crappy cards and pick up an ace, there is hope for you and success is sure to follow you around. There is no way going around what society orders us to do and, unfortunately, we don't know if we are dealt an ace or a two until much later in life

Award Season

So, we just had the Golden Globes and tomorrow is the Grammy's. I love watching award shows on television. I love to watch beautiful women in elegant gowns and men glamoured in suits. I think every girl has a dream of one day being dolled up and loved because of her appearance and talent. That's what life seems like for these celebrities. Sure, everyone has haters but is it not worth it? The only time an average girl gets somewhat close to this experience is prom or homecoming but even then, it is not even remotely the same. Just once it would be amazing to be able to buy the most beautiful dress, get your hair, nails and makeup done without having to worry about money. Just once, to know you are wanted by everyone.
Hair done by my sister for homecoming. This is what celebrities get everyday

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Money Can Buy Happiness (In Some Cases)

Who said money can't buy you happiness? People think I am so shallow when I say his but deep down inside, they know it's true. Most people in the world come from average middle class families, therefor, money is most likely saved and spent wisely, so when you do get new clothes or your favorite headphones, it will make an impact on you because you feel deserving of it. However, I will agree to this; rich people, will never be able to buy happiness. If you're loaded, you can have whatever you want, whenever you want and so buying something will not even feel like a reward, just another purchase almost like it was a necessity. So don't ever feel guilty if your new sunglasses make you the happiest you've been in a month. Just enjoy what you have in the moment!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The Road to Nowhere

Have you ever felt so passionate about something that you felt you would die if it weren't part of your life? Well if you have, you're lucky. 92% of us out there have nothing to look forward to; nothing we believe we are good enough to accomplish. Take the Olympics for example, these people train their whole lives to be acknowledged for what they are good at. They found a purpose in life. But if you aren't the best at anything, just mediocre in everything, where does that leave you? Does that make you any less special? Are you just going to go by life being average? Unfortunately, most of us do. Most of us just go about our lives without true meaning because it's almost impossible to break the streak. So if you are somewhere in that 8%, consider yourself lucky, know that you have broken the cycle that majority of us feel bound to...

Monday, January 20, 2014

Theory on Television

Why do we sit for hours in front of a screen watching people go about fake lives that could never possibly exist? I'll tell you why, it's because we are so sick of our own lives and to try and forget, even if it's just for half an hour, the crappy reality we live in. It makes perfect sense; the shows we watch are so beyond anyone's reach, yet we watch them anyways. We inform our brains to turn off a switch that tells us how absurd we are for buying what goes on inside a electronic box. That's a huge reason reality shows are such a hit...they're always either too good or too weird to be true. If they put lives of the average person, do you think anyone would watch? No, that's what we are all trying to escape and get away from...

Sunday, January 19, 2014


Ever have those days where you know you have so much to do but do none of it, even if it means it'll cost you in the future...yup, today was one of those days. Procrastination, the thing everyone hates but can't seem to let go of. In the busy lifestyles we live, deadlines and dates are what it's all about, don't meet one and that's strike numero uno. Three and you're done. This of course leads to more problems like stress and anxiety which I am sure we all have enough of. Life doesn't ever really seem to able to give you a ever. Even when you're on vacation, the dread of going back to work or school will always be in your mind and then poof, there goes your relaxation. There is never a moment in anyone's life where there is absolutely nothing to do. And that is why we procrastinate; so we can attempt to get a moments rest from all the stuff we have to do.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

On Being a Teenager

I think adults forget what it was like to be teenagers. They forget how much they hated feeling powerless and having adults look down on them like they're idiots that never do anything right. They forget and then end up doing the same to us. I am not an idiot, though. If they just get passed the engraved mindset that we are less than them, maybe they'd see what we're capable of. I thought that your childhood is something to be missed, not something that you drag yourself through miserably...
Just once I wish it was possible to truly be free. To really just be...

Oh the struggles...

Anyone else out there with weight issues? Well, welcome to the club (it's probably the worst one to be in). All I ever want to do is eat. Food, food, food that is all I can think about sometimes. It's hard living in a world where bodies are compared and looked at so often and you can't help but succumb to the pressures of looking perfect. Below is a quote from Tina Fey that fits the expectations of today's society perfectly. Honestly, it's hard being fat. Critiquing how you look all the time, throwing out clothes because  you look fat in them, watching your friends eat everything and not gain any weight while you watch in envy. It's not fair. I'm not going to pretend that I'm okay being different because I know I'm not the only one who wishes to have a super model body. How you look is important because it is how first impressions are formed and automatically you get judged. And to add to all this, boys don't look at you the same. Nope, you will never get picked up based solely on your looks. I also have olive skin and dark hair which just adds to me not looking like the typical brunette haired, skinny girl next door that guys fall for in an instant. Don't get me wrong, personality and character matter, but sometimes, it isn't enough...

Friday, January 17, 2014


I have an obsession with Macklemore. I absolutely love him. First off, he is not bad to look at and more importantly, he raps about things that are meaningful. I feel like artists sing about the same things: love and sex and breakups. On very few occasions do I feel like I can relate to lyrics or find them even remotely important. Don't get me wrong, I love mainstream music just like everyone else but I like to feel like I'm not the only one going through the real things in life. This leads to my point about him rapping about meaningful things. Same Love, Otherside, Wings, are all examples of important issues in the world that singers don't feel the need to sing about. I have a lot of respect for him. Plus if you ever need anything to dance to, hes got you covered

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Don't Let Anyone Define You.

I am no very pleased with my life. I have so much pressure put on me and it feels like a concrete sky is falling down on my shoulders. Through all this, however, someone made me feel like I had more worth than just a letter on a piece of paper. A senior told me that she had selected me as her peer leader/motivator for one of her assignments. I do not consider myself to be a  motivated person let alone a motivator so to see someone else think of me as something besides a grade was an epiphany. You don't have to be defined by anything you do not want to be defined by.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The Storm is Coming

One day, I will be all that I can be.
No one to stop me.
No one to tell me I can't.
One day, I will achieve greatness...and they will all stop and stare.
I am the storm,
and I am coming.