Friday, June 20, 2014

La La La

What is happening in the FIFA World Cup? The teams that were expected to make the top ten are slowly being wiped out! My bracket is completely butchered! Spain has already been eliminated which is killing me slowly because I adore Pique. Group G aka the group of death is where my home team has been placed under and they do not seem to have a shot. The only team that I am sure will make it at least to the semi finals is Germany. They seriously have a kick ass team. I mean, have you seen Muller kick a ball


So now that most of us students are out of school for the summer, I would like to write about how we have finally all been liberated. In prison (aka school) we are always told what to do and how to do it. Not only are our bodies confined but so are our minds. It is like we are dogs being trained for a show, the kibble we are offered are points and we do what the masters ask of us in return for the treat. Sometimes the kibble becomes so important to us that we are willing to lie and cheat for it. Our minds are being programmed, not nourished. When we aren't given a rubric we panic because now we don't know what methods to use to get a treat anymore. All of us waste away our lives refusing to admit that we are the victims of conformity.